Hello all, I need to have a moan! I have been in the jewellery business for about 22 years and I have been selling online for the past 6 years. I am one of the largest suppliers on planet earth of vintage plastic cabochons. These, along with beads and findings, are the staple diet for the jewellery maker. However, by far, my largest customers are from Europe and then the rest of the world. However, I can count on one hand my UK customers and out of those, two visit me personally and have a good search through my stock. These two ladies represent what jewellery enthusiasm is all about. But,
two ladies with passion in my local area? What stops my local jewellery makers from going onto Google and looking for local jewellery making suppliers? I think the answer is lack of artistic spirit! I had a lady come to see me once asking for glass beads. My stock room is overflowing but she had eyes only for the beads she wanted. What stopped her eyes from wandering across the room? What stopped her hands from touching the millions of items? Yes, it has to be, lack of artistic spirit! The world of jewellery making is full of passion and creativity and even obsession - so please, if you love creativity and you are in the UK ... open your heart and mind and get creating! Touch, experiment, create, love your craft - and it will love you back.