..... I wasn't? Oh No! I was away being ill but I am now back and ready to rumble! I'm in the middle of making six or so different pieces of jewellery so I'll photograph them and pop them on here during the course of the week.
I have listed loads of new cabochons on my rosebudlia site - www.rosebudlia.co.uk - and I am now full on for the pre-Christmas orders. So, if you want cabs, make sure you get your orders in early.
Tis is me gone now ... until the pictures anyway lol
Toodles for now,
Sue ♥
Monday, 26 October 2009
Friday, 9 October 2009
Overcharging Shipping from the US
Can I have a moan please? I have been selling and buying online for some years now and I think I can say, I know what I am doing and I know what's fair and what's not. I was going to order 48 plastic cabochons from a seller in the US. Shipping to the UK was $12.95 AND there was even a handling fee of $2.95! They have lost my custom. I sell happily to the US with a shipping of $8.70 regardless of how much is bought. Come on you US sellers, I know we are another countly but we aren't on the moon! I buy a lot from Etsy and most US sellers have just perfect international shipping rates. One however charged $13.00 for something that would fit in an envelope. Why do this? Why price shipping SO highly that you lose custom? You are internet sellers and you want to sell to the world, yes? So, look at your shipping rates and then perhaps you will then discover why sales are low.
Sunday, 4 October 2009
New Fabby Smashin' Cabochons!
Wednesday, 16 September 2009
The craft fair was brilliant! I bought a pair of leather boots and my mum bought her carpet bag. I think there is another one in the spring next year so do go if you are local. There were hundreds of exhibiters! Well worth a trip.
Now, I have something to ask.
Here is a copy of an email I sent to all my Rosebudlia Cabochon customers and newsletter subscribers:
I send greetings from a desk covered in cabochons, beads, scribbled notes and the odd bit of chocolate! I am writing to you today with a request.
I am seeking experienced cabochon and bead wire wrappers, beaders in general and beaders of cabochons who can write beginner, intermediate and experienced tutorials for me. I would like tutorials for breacelets, rings, necklaces and, if you know for example how to make Christmas decorations, then anything along the craft and decorative line too. I have said that I would like beading etc tutorials but, if you are a knitter, or you make stained glass keyrings, or felted pillows ... or whatever, please email me and if together we think your tutorial can be interesting for others we could go ahead with these too.
I need them in PDF format but if you don't know how to do this, don't worry. Send your tutorials in an email along with top quality pictures, and I will do the formatting. All tutorials will be credited to you. Your name will be on the pages/pictures etc. If you don't know how to do this, again don't worry, I can sort this out. Please remember, the best pictures you can take are a must, the text must be clear and easily followed by beginner and experienced person alike. Remember also, this could be a novice's first attempt at something creative so we must present the best possible tutorial.
If you have a website where you sell the jewellery/crafts you make, then send this link too - it will be added to your tutorial as a link back to you.
And now for payment details. What I plan is - the customer will purchase the tutorial and pay using paypal. (Each tutorial will be immediately downloadable). As payment is received by me, I will send you 50% of the selling price. When I list a tutorial, I will also list the quantity available. As it's a download I will put in 1000 available (of each tutorial). You will then know that if there were 1000 listed and 5 have been sold, you will see from your paypal account that 5 payments have been sent by me. This way you can keep a track on the sales. As yet I haven't got a fee scale. I need to see the tutorials to guage the ammount of work put into each one. The better it is, the more expensive it is to buy. But of course, all must be affordable so tutorials will not be silly prices. On the other hand, your work must be recognised .... In other words, leave it to me and I will get it right for you lol!
My plan is to put a lock on each tutorial so they can be printed off but cannot be sent on. From my experience though, people will just buy for themselves so I don't think we need to worry about this aspect.
You can contact me directly on srose63911@aol.com and please use this email address if you are sending pictures or attachments.
I look forward to hearing from as many of you as possible. There is SOOOOOOOOO much creativity out there and I really look forward to us working together to spread the creative word worldwide!
Many thanks for your time,
Sue ~ Rosebudlia. xx
Now, I have something to ask.
Here is a copy of an email I sent to all my Rosebudlia Cabochon customers and newsletter subscribers:
I send greetings from a desk covered in cabochons, beads, scribbled notes and the odd bit of chocolate! I am writing to you today with a request.
I am seeking experienced cabochon and bead wire wrappers, beaders in general and beaders of cabochons who can write beginner, intermediate and experienced tutorials for me. I would like tutorials for breacelets, rings, necklaces and, if you know for example how to make Christmas decorations, then anything along the craft and decorative line too. I have said that I would like beading etc tutorials but, if you are a knitter, or you make stained glass keyrings, or felted pillows ... or whatever, please email me and if together we think your tutorial can be interesting for others we could go ahead with these too.
I need them in PDF format but if you don't know how to do this, don't worry. Send your tutorials in an email along with top quality pictures, and I will do the formatting. All tutorials will be credited to you. Your name will be on the pages/pictures etc. If you don't know how to do this, again don't worry, I can sort this out. Please remember, the best pictures you can take are a must, the text must be clear and easily followed by beginner and experienced person alike. Remember also, this could be a novice's first attempt at something creative so we must present the best possible tutorial.
If you have a website where you sell the jewellery/crafts you make, then send this link too - it will be added to your tutorial as a link back to you.
And now for payment details. What I plan is - the customer will purchase the tutorial and pay using paypal. (Each tutorial will be immediately downloadable). As payment is received by me, I will send you 50% of the selling price. When I list a tutorial, I will also list the quantity available. As it's a download I will put in 1000 available (of each tutorial). You will then know that if there were 1000 listed and 5 have been sold, you will see from your paypal account that 5 payments have been sent by me. This way you can keep a track on the sales. As yet I haven't got a fee scale. I need to see the tutorials to guage the ammount of work put into each one. The better it is, the more expensive it is to buy. But of course, all must be affordable so tutorials will not be silly prices. On the other hand, your work must be recognised .... In other words, leave it to me and I will get it right for you lol!
My plan is to put a lock on each tutorial so they can be printed off but cannot be sent on. From my experience though, people will just buy for themselves so I don't think we need to worry about this aspect.
You can contact me directly on srose63911@aol.com and please use this email address if you are sending pictures or attachments.
I look forward to hearing from as many of you as possible. There is SOOOOOOOOO much creativity out there and I really look forward to us working together to spread the creative word worldwide!
Many thanks for your time,
Sue ~ Rosebudlia. xx
Sunday, 13 September 2009
I am going to a craft fair today at Penshurst Place which is in Kent. My mum wants a carpet bag - I'll let you know if she was successful in her search.
Not only is it full of history but they have regular Farmers Markets and also, the main craft fairs so if you are local, why not give it a visit?
Toodles for now,
Sue ♥
carpet bag,
farmers market,
penshurst place,
Thursday, 10 September 2009
Saturday, 22 August 2009
Help! I am looking for someone in the Tunbridge Wells, Kent area (UK) who can help me with a project I am (vaguely) working on. I need a lazer cutting service for acrylics, perspex etc. I have googled the main keywords but as far as I can see, no one offers the service I am looking for. So, if you lazer cut perspex, please can you contact me? rosebudlia@googlemail.com
Thank you!
Toodles for now
Sue ♥
Thank you!
Toodles for now
Sue ♥
Wednesday, 12 August 2009
Thank you Sam! xxx
My PA and an all round gorgeous creature, Sam, is schlepping round London tomorrow with my textile jewellery. She is the one who does all the selling legwork while I do all the making. Thank you Sam! May it be a sunny day!
Toodles for now
Sue ♥
Toodles for now
Sue ♥
Tuesday, 11 August 2009
Tutorials Coming Soon!
I will soon be adding jewellery making tutorials to my site and these will be on beading round cabochons. They are to be written soon so I'll notify you on here when they are up and ready. if you subscribe to my site you will be notified automatically by a newsletter.
Toodles for now,
Sue ♥
Toodles for now,
Sue ♥
I have cut down my ebay sales
In the good old days when life was fun, we could dance until dawn and we never worried about acne, I used to have several pages of jewellery making items on auction on ebay. However, the dark clouds loomed over the ebay seller and soon it became too expensive to list the lower priced items. So, I started my own website and listed everything on there. That grew and grew and now I have become the bees knees and queen of vintage cabochons! Ye Harrr! Now on ebay I have a few settings but 99.999% of everything else is on my site. So, if you make jewellery and you fancy experimenting with cabochons, why not drop me an email or pay ROSEBUDLIA a visit?
Sue ♥
Sue ♥
Sunday, 9 August 2009

I am also (almost) up to my eye lashes in fabric because I am making textile jewellery. Jewellery being lace/ruffled/velvet cuffs etc. I LOVE making these and heaven to me would be making these day and night and not worrying about the mounting pile of washing up or that the household bills need paying lol!
That's it for now,
Sue xx http://www.rosebudlia.co.uk/
That's it for now,
Sue xx http://www.rosebudlia.co.uk/
Sunday, 2 August 2009
Thursday, 30 July 2009
Wednesday, 29 July 2009
New Photos for Old ~
It's time I revamped the pictures on my site www.rosebudlia.co.uk - but - whatever I do, I hate the end result. How can I make cabochons look inviting? Any ideas?
Tuesday, 28 July 2009
A crochet necklace with wild beads!
I have been playing with wire and my crochet hook and hey presto, a crocheted necklace! Cool me thinks .. It's a great necklace and fun to do if you have half an hour to spare! If you click on the picture you can see more pictures of it.
wire crochet
Saturday, 25 July 2009
A Slideshow
Morning everybody! I have just discovered that I can do a Flickr slideshow. How on earth did I survive before the interweb? Anyway - here is the link - http://www.flickr.com/photos/rosebudlia/show/
Toodles for now! Sue xx
Toodles for now! Sue xx
Friday, 24 July 2009
My reunion. Me, when I was thin ...

Well, this picture was taken back in the day when life on earth was fairly new and I was, yes, thin. (Actually, 1970). In the post below(ish) I said I had chatted to a boyfriend on the steps of the nursing home and got scaked for doing so. Well, these are the steps. I actually snogged here, and his name was George. And phworrr.. he was fabulous! If I remember rightly, he wore an orange and black striped tank top. Now, THAT'S style! Where are you George!? (Real name Ulus). I have your photo ... dare I add it here?
I asked my http://www.rosebudlia.co.uk/ customers to send me pictures from their pasts and I will add it /them to my site - so this is why I have thrown shame to the four winds and I am letting modern civilisation see my legs. As for the reunion I attended - it was hysterical and sad and lovely and funny ... and sad. My dear friends and I nattered away until we were exhausted and I loved every second of it. I was told I had the best memory for trivia. I am not sure if that's a compliment ...?
Thursday, 23 July 2009
I am listing again ..
That doesn't mean I am leaning to one side ... it means I am listing jewellery etc on one of my sites. This time I am listing on my etsy site:
I have discovered a secret hideaway of vintage bangles! Made in the early 1970s in Italy. I now have some for sale. Yippee doo! If you are a collector of vintage jewellery, then why not take a peek?
Oh, I haven't forgotten to report back on my reunion (details below). I am still recovering so it will probably be tomorrow!Toodles for now xx
I have discovered a secret hideaway of vintage bangles! Made in the early 1970s in Italy. I now have some for sale. Yippee doo! If you are a collector of vintage jewellery, then why not take a peek?
Oh, I haven't forgotten to report back on my reunion (details below). I am still recovering so it will probably be tomorrow!Toodles for now xx
Saturday, 18 July 2009
Thursday, 16 July 2009
Some 39 years ago (1970) I started my training as a nursery nurse. I trained in Tunbridge Wells in Kent and when I qualified (NNEB - 1973) I spent my days being a nanny for various families here in the UK and in Switzerland. I also worked as a nursery nurse at St Mary's Hospital in Praed Street, Paddington, London. Now - all these years later (Monday 20th) I am going to be meeting up with some of the "girls" I trained with. Our reunion will feature photographs from the past and no doubt, we will all disolve into giggles when we see ourselves looking like something out of a very low budget horror movie. And of course, we will be reminded of things we got up to and probably would not want to tell our children about. After all, the saying, "Do as I say, not as I do" will no doubt have passed many a parent's lips at some point as it has mine.
My time as a staff nurse ended the moment it begun because, qualified for a mater of minutes (or so it felt) I was fired on the spot for entertaining a gentleman on the steps of the children's home. We had all been told that no male was to pass through the main door after midnight - but as there was no directive to say I couldn't talk to one until 4am on the main steps on the outside of the building, so, I decided to chat away with my heart throb of the moment. Matron's little helper and prize grass told on me, and, as matron was evil personified, and hated me - I was sacked and given 2 hours to pack all my possessions and was told never to darken the doorstep ever again.
I left, and, many would say, I have been a little tinker ever since lol! Now I am 55 and I am really looking forward to meeting up with my old chums and joining in with stories from our deepest pasts. In my heart I am still the 16 - 19 year old who had the most fantastic time training, partying, making fabulous friends, and who came alive when Marc Bolan was played at the ... disco ...
When we meet up, should I wear the skin tight pink satin hipster trousers I was so fond back then? I mean, I have put on a few pounds since then but keeping them had to be for a reason, right?
My time as a staff nurse ended the moment it begun because, qualified for a mater of minutes (or so it felt) I was fired on the spot for entertaining a gentleman on the steps of the children's home. We had all been told that no male was to pass through the main door after midnight - but as there was no directive to say I couldn't talk to one until 4am on the main steps on the outside of the building, so, I decided to chat away with my heart throb of the moment. Matron's little helper and prize grass told on me, and, as matron was evil personified, and hated me - I was sacked and given 2 hours to pack all my possessions and was told never to darken the doorstep ever again.
I left, and, many would say, I have been a little tinker ever since lol! Now I am 55 and I am really looking forward to meeting up with my old chums and joining in with stories from our deepest pasts. In my heart I am still the 16 - 19 year old who had the most fantastic time training, partying, making fabulous friends, and who came alive when Marc Bolan was played at the ... disco ...
When we meet up, should I wear the skin tight pink satin hipster trousers I was so fond back then? I mean, I have put on a few pounds since then but keeping them had to be for a reason, right?
Wednesday, 15 July 2009
Pink Cabochons are a Designers Best Friend!
I have been listing more cabochons on my site http://www.rosebudlia.co.uk/ and I decided to make listings that feature colour ranges or styles. In one listing I have done a selection of faces, in another, blue cabochons, and also one in pink. I just love this pink selection so I thought I would share it with you.
I wonder if being addicted to cabochons is anything I should worry about ....?
Tuesday, 14 July 2009
Tunbridge Wells ... is .... pants?
Hello all, I need to have a moan! I have been in the jewellery business for about 22 years and I have been selling online for the past 6 years. I am one of the largest suppliers on planet earth of vintage plastic cabochons. These, along with beads and findings, are the staple diet for the jewellery maker. However, by far, my largest customers are from Europe and then the rest of the world. However, I can count on one hand my UK customers and out of those, two visit me personally and have a good search through my stock. These two ladies represent what jewellery enthusiasm is all about. But, two ladies with passion in my local area? What stops my local jewellery makers from going onto Google and looking for local jewellery making suppliers? I think the answer is lack of artistic spirit! I had a lady come to see me once asking for glass beads. My stock room is overflowing but she had eyes only for the beads she wanted. What stopped her eyes from wandering across the room? What stopped her hands from touching the millions of items? Yes, it has to be, lack of artistic spirit! The world of jewellery making is full of passion and creativity and even obsession - so please, if you love creativity and you are in the UK ... open your heart and mind and get creating! Touch, experiment, create, love your craft - and it will love you back.
Saturday, 11 July 2009
I love my job!
For me, selling cabochons on the internet brings smiles on a daily basis. Why? Because I find myself "meeting" people right around the globe and before you can say flipperty jibbet, we are chatting away by email. Along with great and friendly conversation comes a like minded interest in jewellery making, and last night I heard from my new internet friend, Roos, in Holland. Roos made a beaded ring from one of my intaglio glass cabochons depicting the Virgin Mary. It was so lovely I thought I would show you. I hope you don't mind Roos! Roos is very recently married too so please wish along with me, every happiness to her and her new husband.
beaded cabochon,
intaglio cabochon
Friday, 10 July 2009
Thursday, 9 July 2009
After my walk with Harry the dog yesterday I am now unable to move without groaning. I wonder what possessed me to walk 1000 miles, in slip on ballet style shoes? Yes, I know, I am insane.
Anyway, today I am going to take more pictures of jewellery and cabochons as yet unlisted, and feet willing, I will get them up and listed on my site www.rosebudlia.co.uk asap.
Tesco's delivered this morning and right now I am famished, so - it's downstairs to raid the fridge for sustenance!
Anyway, today I am going to take more pictures of jewellery and cabochons as yet unlisted, and feet willing, I will get them up and listed on my site www.rosebudlia.co.uk asap.
Tesco's delivered this morning and right now I am famished, so - it's downstairs to raid the fridge for sustenance!
ballet shoes,
Wednesday, 8 July 2009
I have just taken my dog for a walk and I discovered a new track - which I followed. It took me HOURS out of my way and we a re both now home (obviously) and exhausted! Harry (yes, you read right) is asleep next to me on the floor, and I thought it was about time I started my blog. I have been meaning to get around to this for AGES but today is the day I set aside some time and actually got it going. Oh, this is Harry asleep with a bagel! (I don't know why either. Perhaps he needed it for incase he got peckish in the night?) Anyway, I will stop here for a bit because I have to list some cabochons on my site. http://www.rosebudlia.co.uk/ Should you want to have a peep, here is a video with a slight editorial difference about making cabochon earrings: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p4uE9WAvW88 Later I'll be back to show you want I have listed and, more important, I want to show you what can be done with cabochons apart from putting them in settings. So, buy for now! Sue xx
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